Wow Hunter Pet Stable Slots

Scotty wrote:Considering battle pets have been around for a lot less time than hunters in general, and they were quick to bump the capacity up to 1,000 pets so people could 'catch them all', seems a bit of a mixed message when you can't 'collect' hunter pets, yet they keep releasing new ones to tempt us. I wouldn't be surprised if they do in fact increase the stable space, even though they have said in the past they won't. Give it time.
  • More stable slots would be good. Another suggestion I have that I would love to see is an account wide pet stable. Let’s say on hunter #1 I have Loque’nahak, Skarr, and Karoma. With the account wide pet stable I could log onto hunter #2 and use those same pets vs. Having to hunt them down and tame them all over again.
  • With so many new Hunter Pet Tames coming in Battle for Azeroth, Blizzard has increased the size of the stable by 10 slots in the upcoming expansion. Hunters can have 65 pets in BFA! Thanks to Sarynotsorry from Petopia for this find: Our BM Hunter Guide writer BendakWoW took a picture of the stables.

Jun 28, 2018  Come on Blizzard, just add Hunter Pet’s stable to Collections UI like Toys. You tame one, it’s added as a SPELL. You can summon them anytime without worrying about going to Stables at all if you want to switch one of the 5 pets on you at the moment. We get more than one benefits with this change! No more “not enough stable slots” problem.

That's cause only hunters can tame pets, but everyone can use battle pets.

Greetings from the Oregon coast.

I wanted to pop in and say hello. 😀 I’ve been enjoying some much needed rest and relaxation up here… it’s been awesome.

I’ve been pretty detached for the most part (kinda the idea), but I have managed to get online a time or two in order to check my e-mail and to make sure everything’s in order while I’m away. Anyway… I noticed that the NDA was lifted this past week. What timing… :-

After having gone four years without a vacation, I just so happen to bail during one of the most WoW newsworthy weeks of 2010. I’ve skimmed over some of the news, but I won’t have an opportunity to really explore things until I get home. I had grand plans of being able to work from the field, but that ain’t hap’nin. Prolly a good thing. 😉

Anyhow… I did peep this little news gem just a few moments ago over on MMO-Champion…

Hunter Pets in Cataclysm
We’re in the middle of converting the stables over to the new model.

New model:

Wow Hunter Pet Tank

You have 5 active pets and 20 (or more) stable slots. You can summon an active pet whenever you want, out of combat. This replaces the remote stable spell. In other words, if you have a crab, a bear and a wolf, you can swap from wolf to bear in between encounters.

You must visit a stable master to change which are the active pets though. There are a lot of stable slots, so you can catch Spirit Beasts or rare spawns or whatever you want, even if you don’t think you will use them often.

Wow hunter pet stableWow hunter pet stable slots games

Exciting stuff indeed.

I know this change was mentioned in a prior update, but the part we didn’t know was just how many pets we’d be able to keep stabled. If this system goes live, then that will mean a total of 25 possible pets we’ll have access to. 😀

Based upon this early description, it sounds like the ability to call upon various stabled pets will remain as it is now (5 in the bullpen), with the exception of there being no coodown. It looks as if we’ll be able to literally use a different pet for every single pull if we so desired, just as long as we’re not in combat while summoning the pet.

Not like we really need 25 pets, but hey… I’m not complaining. 😉 I may even go collect a few more Spirit Beasts just for fun.

Well, that’s about it for now. I just wanted to make a quick blip about this new stable dynamic and share in the joy. I may pop in again before too long if I get a few more free minutes.

Wow Hunter Pet Stable Slots Online

As for right now.. last I checked it was about beer thirty. bbl.

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