Why Are Slot Machines Thematic

Learning how to win at slot machines is an elusive goal pursued by slots fans around the globe. While the flashing lights and colorful video sequences are enough to whet their appetite, most slots devotees won’t be satisfied until they’ve hit a progressive jackpot or two. In this article, we’ll look at some winning slot machine tactics and tips, as well as exposing some truths about the game that most players prefer to ignore.

The Games Company Slot Machines. If you haven't already guessed from their name, The Games Company is a privately owned company which makes games intended for gambling purposes. The outfit is relatively new to the scene, and therefore they only have a small number of slot machines available to play.

The Cold Hard Truth about Slots

There is no magic formula for beating the slots. There’s also a reason why slots comprise the majority of any casino’s revenue: they take in more money than they pay out. If some way to “beat” slots actually existed, don’t think for a minute that casino management wouldn’t find a way to overcome or eliminate it. At the very least, they would just start banning anyone who used such a method.

At best, playing slots is a fun yet totally uncontrollable experience. Thanks to the random number generator installed in all modern video slots, each spin has the same chance of winning (or losing) as every spin before it.

The best slots strategy is to admit that the game is a crapshoot. Once you’ve broken free of the superstitions that many players cling to, you’ll be able to enjoy the game with a more relaxed attitude.

Since Charles Fey invented the slot machine in the late 19th century, players have been trying to figure out how to gain an advantage over the house. Some have developed elaborate methods of cheating, others have resorted to flawed slot systems, and even more have utilized the slot machine tactics discussed in this article.

Please note that slot machine tactics will not magically allow you to determine where the symbols line up on any given spin; no expert or system can make that guarantee, and if they do they’re lying. However, there are numerous slot machine strategies that will allow you to maximize your fun and get the most out of your bankroll. While you might not win more, there’s a strong possibility that you’ll lose less. For most players, that’s an edge worth pursuing.

Chasing Payout Percentages

The payout percentage on a slot machine is the amount of money it will pay out over its lifetime. For example, a slot with a 95% payout percentage will pay back 95% of the 100% that’s deposited into it; the house will wind up with a 5% profit. These are long-term estimates, however, meaning that anything can happen in the short term.

Slots traditionally offer a payout percentage ranging from 82% to 98%, although the exact number can vary depending on state laws. If a player can find out the exact payout percentage of multiple slots, he can then choose to play the machine with the higher expected return. Unfortunately, there are two major stumbling blocks to this tactic. First, a machine with a higher payout percentage may not pay significantly more in the short term. Second, casinos tend to be secretive when it comes to releasing these figures. However, if you do find a slot with a 98% payout percentage, you’d be a fool not to try it

Tips for Beating Slot Machines

While there’s no way to guarantee a successful slots session, there are other ways to leave the casino a winner. Chief among them is maximizing the amount of fun you have, and this often goes hand-in-hand with making your bankroll last as long as possible. The following tips are designed to help you do just that.

Bankroll Management – It’s difficult to beat a slot machine if you’ve run out of money. That’s why learning how to manage your bankroll is the most important skill that any player can develop. First, calculate how much money you can afford to lose. You need to be honest with yourself during this phase, as you don’t want to spend funds that are needed elsewhere (such as credit card payments, rent, etc.).

Second, make sure that you only take this amount of money with you to the casino. If you’re playing online, only deposit an amount into your account that you can afford to part with.

Don’t Be Afraid of Switching – Some players will spend hours pumping coins into the same machine, even if they’re getting nothing in return. This is often because they’re afraid of walking away from a slot that’s about to get “hot.” Don’t fall into this trap. If you lose continuously at a specific game, don’t be shy about getting up and moving to another machine. Your luck might not improve, but at least you’ll get a change of scenery.

Know the Slots – If you’re going to play a slot machine, it’s important to be familiar with it. How many paylines does it offer? What is the maximum bet? Older machines will have the winning combinations printed on their front, while most video slots will provide you with the same information by pressing a button. You should never let ignorance about a game interfere with your enjoyment.

Why Are Slot Machines Thematic

Find the Perfect Slot – One of the best ways to beat a slot is to find a game that suits your needs. Do you want to play for a long time without spending a lot of money? If so, then you may want to stick with penny slots. Do you want to risk more money for the chance to hit a major payday? If this is the case, then you’ll want to check out the progressive jackpots at the casino. Just remember that online casinos and brick-and-mortar establishments have slot machines that are perfect for every player (unless your definition of “perfect” is a machine that pays out with every spin).

Play Max Coins on Progressives – Some gamblers will tell you to always play the maximum number of coins, but this isn’t always necessary. Many of the lower-end slots will provide decent paydays even if you’re making smaller wagers. The major exception is with progressive slots, where you do have to make the maximum wager in order to be eligible for the top prize. If your bankroll can afford it, this is a chance to become a millionaire within a matter of seconds.

Facing the truth about the randomness of slot machines can be deflating at first, but it will set you free in the long term. By managing your bankroll, picking the right machine, and using a little common sense, you can win at slot machines even if you leave the casino with empty pockets.


In 1865, Charles Lutwidge Dodgson penned Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll. This story, which is commonly referred to as “Alice in Wonderland,” has inspired numerous other works ever since.

Many movies, TV shows, and slot machines are based on Carroll’s tale. Speaking of the latter, Alice in Wonderland seems to have inspired more slot machine games than just about any other story.

Why is this the case? Isn’t it expensive for all of these slot machine developers to license the rights?

I’m going to discuss why there are so many Alice in Wonderland slots and what motivates providers to make them.

The Concept of Alice and Wonderland Is Public Domain

Slots developed seemingly need to pay a licensing theme to use Alice in Wonderland as the subject matter. However, this isn’t the case with the 1865 novel.

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland have long slipped into a category known as public domain. This term refers to works that are not copyrighted nor require a licensing fee to use.

Such works are so old that they’re no longer considered to be the property of any one individual. Copyrights can only last for so long.

According to US laws, for example, anything produced before 1923 is considered public domain. Here are more cases of public domain from TeachingCopyright:

Why Are Slot Machines Thematic
  • Anything published with a copyright from 1923 through 1977 that hasn’t been renewed.
  • All works published from 1923 through 1977 without a copyright.
  • Anything published without a copyright from 1978 through 1989 without proper registration within five years.

Generally, a copyright lasts for the lifetime of the author, plus an additional 70 years. Any work that was published after 1977 most certainly applies to this rule.

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland doesn’t qualify for any of these exceptions. It has been public domain for a long time, because it was published well before 1923.

Therefore, slots providers don’t need to worry about paying anything to use ideas from Alice in Wonderland. Instead, they can create various games based on this classic with no licensing fees involved.

Alice in Wonderland is one of the best-known stories in the English-speaking world. Again, numerous works are based off this tale.


A slots developer can benefit from this popularity and gain instant recognition for any slot they produce. Few people need any introduction when they see a game based on Alice.

In contrast, providers have a tougher time selling completely new stories and concepts. They might also need to spend more money marketing such slots in comparison to an Alice-themed game.

Slots Developers Must Still Be Careful

Slot machine providers can’t just go around ripping off any image or likeness that involves Alice in Wonderland. Instead, only the story and concept surrounding it are free.

A slotsmaker can’t, for instance, use images from the Disney cartoon movie in their slots game. Likewise, they’re note entitled to anything from the Disney Studios’ Alice in Wonderland starring Johnny Depp (Mad Hatter) and Anne Hathaway (White Queen).

The cartoon version was produced in 1951 and still qualifies for a copyright. Disney takes full advantage of their ownership and would sue any slots developer that infringes upon their movie.

Their 2010 film will be under copyright longer after any living adult’s lifetime. That said, a developer would also be instantly sued if they tried using Johnny Depp’s Mad Hatter character in a game.

Of course, most slotsmakers are aware that they can’t steal images from such famous works. But they may have a tougher time sorting out every copyrighted piece of Alice in Wonderland material.

How To Win At Slot Machines

Some adaptations — whether they be low-budget movies or just works of art — can have sneaky copyrights. In the end, a slot machine provider is just better off developing their own graphics and images based on Alice in Wonderland.

They can avoid lawsuits when doing so. Furthermore, they can also put their own spin on the characters and tales.

Don’t Expect the Pipeline of Alice in Wonderland Slots to Disappear Anytime Soon

You might think that there are already too many slot machines based on Alice. But you shouldn’t be shocked to see many more such games in the future.

Slots makers love this story for two main reasons:

  • It’s well known.
  • It’s free to use.

Of course, developer can’t just make a generic game based on Alice in Wonderland and expect to big profits. After all, this tale has been told in numerous ways over the years.

Most slots providers focus on a specific angle within the story. For instance, they might make a game that’s entirely based on the Mad Hatter’s tea party. Or, they may create a slot machine that’s based on the Red Queen’s perspective.

Alice in Wonderland can be presented in a variety of ways. You can expect to see all of these angles exhausted within the coming years.

What Are Some of the Available Alice in Wonderland Slot Machines?

The key point of this post is that there are a large variety of Alice in Wonderland slots. But what are some examples?

You don’t have to look far to find such games. They’re available in abundance in land-based and online casinos.

Here are some examples:

  • Alice & The Mad Tea Party by WMS Gaming – With a majestic Disney feel and plenty of bonuses, Alice & The Mad Tea Party is one of the better slots in this category.
  • Alice & The Red Queen by 1×2 Gaming – This game takes a very cartoonish approach and has unique graphics.
  • Alice’s Wonderland by Random Logic – Five-reel, 20-line game that includes a few different bonuses.
  • Forest of Wonders by Playtech – Although not the best-looking slot based on the theme, this game does offer some big wins.
  • White Rabbit Megaways by Big Time Gaming – Featuring the ever-popular Megaways format, White Rabbit offers up to 248,832 ways to win.


When Lewis Carroll originally wrote Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland in the mid-1800s, he probably never envisioned that the book would be used in gambling so heavily.

Today, it’s one of the most-used concepts in the casino. Dozens of slot machines are based on Carroll’s 1865 work.

The instances have ramped up in recent decades too. The main reason why is because Alice in Wonderland is public domain.

According to US laws, works published before 1923 are no longer copyrighted. Given the 1865 publishing date for Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, this book has long ceased to demand licensing fees.

Developers have definitely taken advantage of this situation over the years. Dozens of Alice in Wonderland slot machines have been rolled out in land-based and online casinos.

Slot Machines Tips

Slots providers appreciate that they can take advantage of a well-established brand without having to pay extra money.

Of course, producing an Alice-themed slot isn’t without complications. First off, developers need to avoid infringing on copyrighted works.

Why Are Slot Machines Thematic Analysis

A slotsmaker can’t use any image or likeness from Disney Studios’ 2010 film Alice in Wonderland. They aren’t privy to any other copyrighted works involving this story either.

Another challenge is in producing something that the gaming world hasn’t seen before. Alice-based slots tend to run together, because so many of them exist.

Why Are Slot Machines Thematic System

Many developers try to remedy this problem by presenting the tale from different angles. For example, they might focus on the White Rabbit, Mad Hatter, or Red Queen.

If you like Alice in Wonderland, then you’ll appreciate how many slot machines are based on it. You can also expect many similar games in the future thanks to the public domain aspect.

Why Are Slot Machines Thematic Test

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