The Division Body Armor Mod Slots

Similar to weapons, pieces of gear are also described by a number of various parameters, although they differ from the ones found on firearms. Gear parameters, in most cases, have a direct impact on the your character - they increase the survivability (total health points, armor, resistances), as well as the effectiveness of weapons and abilities.

Here is the Perfect Armor Build in the Division and this guide will show you how the Armor stats work and which armor to equip while playing PvE or PvP in the game. Recalibration in The Division is a process that allows you to modify your existing Gear. Weapons CAN be recalibrated since patch 1.3 July 2016.Recalibration is unlocked in the Tech Wing upgrade Recalibration, which makes the Stat Switch Perk available. Gloves in The Division are a type of Gear the player wears that covers his/her hands and provides protection. In addition to adding to your Armor value, Gloves can possess both Minor Attributes and Major Attributes.The higher quality of the Gloves, the more Attributes it can possess. Gloves also pull these Attributes from a pool unique to this piece of Gear.

The Division Body Armor Mod Slots

Gear parameters are divided into three groups: main, minor and abilityaffectingones. Each piece of gear you are able to equip to your character offers a bonus to one of the three main stats, Firearms, Stamina, or Electronics, as well as an increase to its total armor. The Holster is the only item that can offer a bonus to all three stats at the same time.

Body Armor Sports Drink

Main parameters

The division body armor mod slots game

Main parameters are the ones that directly increase the effectiveness of your character in combat, affecting the amount of dealt, as well as taken damage. Because of the fact, that some of the attributes will be unavailable to certain pieces of gear, the following table represents all of the main attributes you can find on those items, their descriptions, as well as pieces on which they can appear.



Piece of gear

Crit Chance

A percentage bonus to the chance to inflict a critical hit. A critical hit increases the amount of damage your attack deals by the amount of 'Crit Damage' you have.



Crit Damage

A percentage bonus to the amount of damage your attack does when a critical hit happens.



Knee Pads

Additional weapon damage

Increases the amount of damage (DMG, not DPS) your weapon has.

It can give bonus to the following weapons: Assault Rifles, Marksman Rifles, Light Machine Guns, SMGs, Shotguns and Pistols.

A single piece of equipment can give bonus to more than a single weapon.


Holster - only for the pistol

Damage vs Elites

This parameter gives a percentage bonus to the amount of damage you deal against elite enemies - those with unique names, as well as all of the enemies you stumble upon during Challenge-mode missions and during your stay in Dark Zone 06.


Body Armor


Knee Pads

Bonus armor

This parameter gives additional armor, aside from the one that is normally found on every piece of gear. An extremely important parameter, especially during Challenge-mode missions.

Body Armor


Knee Pads



Additional health points, which are not a direct result of your Stamina stat. Not that useful and can easily be replaced with another parameter if you feel the need to, as Stamina will give you a lot more health.


Body Armor

Knee Pads

Health on kill

A percentage value of maximum health points your character will replenish each time you kill an enemy. An extremely powerful attribute, which will be useful on any character.


Body Armor


Exotic Damage Resilience

Quite a weird parameter at first glance, but in reality it's quite simple - it decreases, by a percentage value, the amount of damage received by your character from everything besides bullets. It allows you to decrease the damage from explosions, fire, electricity, as well as falling damage and the one you receive from melee combat.


Body Armor

Knee Pads

Protection vs Elites

Decreases the amount of damage your character receives from elite enemies - - those with unique names, as well as all of the enemies you stumble upon during Challenge-mode missions and during your stay in Dark Zone 06. An absolute priority for all those characters build as tanks, as well as for those players that are focusing on fighting elite enemies.

Body Armor

Knee Pads


Skill Haste

This is basically a parameter that decreases the cooldown of your abilities. A 5% Skill Haste will decrease their cooldown time by 5%. This does not affect Signature Skills.

A decent parameter, that should be on your character whenever you have the chance to do so.



Skill Power

This parameter increases the skill power of your character (which can be checked at the top of character screen, just above the Electronics). This attribute increases the power of your abilities (the amount of damage they deal, the amount of health they restore, and so on), as well decreases their cooldown times significantly. One of the most important attributes on characters that are focusing on fighting with their abilities, as well as for all the support players.



Signature Resource Gain

The equivalent of 'Skill Haste' - decreases the time needed for a Signature Skill to be available again.


Mod Slot

A slot allowing you to install a mod into it. With that, you will be able to increase the bonuses offered by a piece of gear.


Body Armor

Knee Pads



Minor parameters

The following table represents all of the minor attributes you can find on those items, their descriptions, as well as pieces on which they can appear.



Piece of gear

Enemy Armor Damage

In general, this attribute is simply responsible for enemy armor penetration, increasing the amount of damage your attacks do to armored enemies by a percentage value. Each 1% of enemy armor damage equals to 1% more damage.


Knee Pads

Resistance to X

The X is to be replaced by Shock, Bleed, Blind, Disorientation, Burn, Disrupt. Decreases by a percentage value the character susceptibility to a given effect - the higher the value, the less damage the character will receive, and shorter time the effect will last for.



Knee Pads


An attribute increasing the chance to find a better gear - the equivalent of 'Magic Find' stat from, for instance, the Diablo franchise. In theory a very desirable attribute, in practice it gives almost absolutely nothing. You can replace it with another one if you want to.


Knee Pads - a huge, several times higher bonus.

Kill XP

A percentage bonus to the amount of experience earned by killing enemies. During your route to level 30 it's one of the most useless attributes in the game, but it comes in handy later on, when you want to advance through the Dark Zone ranks. Each 1% of Kill XP equals 1% less time needed to advance to a higher level there.


Body Armor

Knee Pads - a huge, several times higher bonus.

Ammo Capacity

A percentage bonus to the amount of ammunition your character is able to carry. An extremely useful attribute, especially during expeditions to the Dark Zone. Don't confuse it with weapon magazine capacity - those two are completely different.


Body Armor

Backpack Capacity

This parameter increases the available space in your inventory. The higher the value, the better.

The attribute is always present on a Backpack. Exclusive to Backpacks.

Ability affecting parameters

Ability affecting parameters are percentage bonuses to given abilities - increasing the amount of damage they deal, the protection they offer, or the amount of health points they restore. You should remember about one thing when it comes to them - use only those ability bonuses, that you have currently equipped. There's no point to equip, for instance, a backpack increasing the effectiveness of your Pulse, when you're not even using the ability.

First, Let's talk about the Armor Slots, there are mostly defensive bonuses added to them like reduce the damage from the upcoming fire. From 20% to 30% Armor will definitely provide you an effective damage reduction. This guide will not only show you how the Armor stats work but also which armor to equip while playing PvE or PvP in the game.

As everyone are aware of how Armor mitigates the Gun damage(not for grenades), so going to 65% armor cap will not only give you an effective damage reduction but also, armor drops from 71.9% down to 71 which in return makes you, even more, stronger. Every Armor you equip has inbuilt armor bonuses, but the thing is which one gives you the best matters. Let's have a look at various Armor equip levels which one of the Reddit User had described in detail.

Armor Levels


This is for the players with all Purple Armor with our Bonus then it will end up providing you Damage Reduction between 35% to 39%.



This is for the players with all Purple Armor, but with 1 or 2 armor Bonus and will end up providing you Damage Reduction between 40% to 50%. With good chest pieces and knee pads, it can easily hit 48% without fail.


This is for the players with all Purple Armor, but with 2 or 4 armor Bonus and will end up providing you Damage Reduction between 41% to 60%. This will also depend on your armor pieces you upgrade to chest, backpacks and knee pads it can easily hit 54% without fail.

The question here is which Armor or Gear Piece to Op? Well, this completely depends on your playing style on how you like to comfort them in your gameplay. Here are the Best of all teh gears.

Perfect Gear Piece

Body Armor(3 bonuses allowed)

Body armor doesn't provide you a big change so we recommend you to try the chest piece which will give you:

  • Armour
  • Elite Damage
  • Your choice of mod slot / health on kill / protection from elites

Body Armor Bumpers

Back Pack (1 primary stat)

  • Critical hit damage
  • Armor

Highly recommend taking critical hit damage, as you may need the bonus armor to survive and only 3 pieces of gear can get it.

Knee Pads (two bonuses allowed)

  • Critical Damage
  • Armor
  • Damage to Elites
  • Gear Mod
  • Protection from elites

Knee pads allow for bonus critical hit damage, one of the best stats in the game for DPS.

  • Tanker Build: Armor + Critical Hit damage
  • DPS Build: Damage to Elites + Critical Hit damage

Holster (one bonus)

  • Armor
  • Gear mod
  • Protection from elites

Gloves ( 3 bonus DPS KINGS)

  • Critical Hit Damage
  • Critical Hit Chance
  • Weapon Base Damage
  • Damage to Elites

The Division Body Armor Mod Slots Online

Gloves are one of the biggest boosts to your overall damage in the game. Take +Weapon damage for PVP and +Elite damage for PVE content

Masks (two bonuses)

  • Critical hit chance
  • Damage to elites
  • Gear Mod Slot

Masks are one of the only slots that provide bonus critical hit chance.

If you get 7 gear mod slots, each can land up to 140 stats including 1.5% crit chance. So choice wisely. Make sure you visit our The Division Wiki Page to know more about the game and different Builds.

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