Command To Check Memory Slot On Linux

By far the easiest way to check the number of RAM slots currently in use in your machine without opening it up is to use the DMI Table Decoder command called dmidecode, which gives you a flat report. At the command prompt, type sudo dmidecode -t 16 and push enter. You’ll probably be asked for your administrator password.

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Hi there,
I have to upgrade memory in a couple of remote (other part of the city) machines and I would like to be able to query all necessary info in a comfortable ssh session without having to drive there and unsrew each different machine (many different types). I googled a lot but I can only find Windows tools, nothing for Linux.
I need:
- total number of memory slots on the mainboard
- for each used slot: current module type, memory type, size and speed
so I can make a shopping list for all the different needed memory modules.
Example from AIDA32 (Windows tool):
Motherboard info:
RAM slots: 3 DIMM
SPD memory info SLOT1:
module size: 256MB (1 row, 4 banks)
module type: DDR SDRAM
memory speed: PC2700 (166 MHz)
SPD memory info SLOT2:
module size: 256MB (1 row, 4 banks)
module type: DDR SDRAM
memory speed: PC2700 (166 MHz)
SPD memory info SLOT3:
<no info> (= empty)
Does something similar for Linux exist??
Best regards, Stefan.

Linux is one of the most popular open source operating system and comes with huge set of commands. The most important and single way of determining the total available space of the physical memory and swap memory is by using “free” command.

The Linux “free” command gives information about total used and available space of physical memory and swap memory with buffers used by kernel in Linux/Unix like operating systems.

This article provides some useful examples of “free” commands with options, that might be useful for you to better utilize memory that you have.

1. Display System Memory

Free command used to check the used and available space of physical memory and swap memory in KB. See the command in action below.

2. Display Memory in Bytes

Free command with option -b, display the size of memory in Bytes.

3. Display Memory in Kilo Bytes

Free command with option -k, display the size of memory in (KB) Kilobytes.

Command To Check Memory Slot On Linux

4. Display Memory in Megabytes

To see the size of the memory in (MB) Megabytes use option as -m.

5. Display Memory in Gigabytes

Using -g option with free command, would display the size of the memory in GB(Gigabytes).

6. Display Total Line

Free command with -t option, will list the total line at the end.

7. Disable Display of Buffer Adjusted Line

By default the free command display “buffer adjusted” line, to disable this line use option as -o.

Command To Check Memory Slot On Linux Windows 7


8. Display Memory Status for Regular Intervals

The -s option with number, used to update free command at regular intervals. For example, the below command will update free command every 5 seconds.

9. Show Low and High Memory Statistics

The -l switch displays detailed high and low memory size statistics.

10. Check Free Version

Linux Command To Check Available Memory

The -V option, display free command version information.

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